正规博彩十大网站排名的学生健康服务由Wellstar医疗公司运营 Group. Wellstar医疗集团目前拥有超过225个分支机构,拥有超过200家医疗机构 1,000 medical providers representing 30 specialties.

正规博彩十大网站排名的学生健康服务委员会认证的医生和高级实践提供者的工作人员提供全面的初级保健服务全年上午8:30和下午5:00之间周一至周五. 此外,两个校区都有一名持牌临床社会工作者,以满足任何心理健康需求. Call 470-578-6644 to schedule an appointment.

chhavi noohani

Chhavi Noohani, Medical Director, D.O., MBA

Chhavi Noohani, D.O. completed her residency in Family Medicine at St. 她曾在奥本大学获得学士学位,并在诺瓦东南大学获得骨科医学学位. Dr. Noohani获得了美国家庭医学委员会的认证. Dr. Noohani多年来一直是Wellstar值得信赖的急诊医生, 始终如一地担任领导角色,并在患者满意度方面获得最高评级. 她是正规博彩十大网站排名本地人,在那里她获得了正规博彩十大网站排名/Wellstar医师领导学院的完成认证. 她继续深造,并准备在路易斯安那州立大学完成MBA学业. Dr. Noohani最近在急诊护理部门担任医师领导,专注于团队合作, quality of care, and achieving high value metrics. Dr. Noohani是两个孩子的母亲,她的丈夫也是Wellstar的一名医生. 她喜欢健身,喜欢旅游,喜欢户外活动. 

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Russell Tandler

Practice Manager

Email: rtandle1@getrealcuba.com 

Phone: 470-578-7937

Duska Dyer

Duska Dyer, M.D.

Duska Dyer, M.D., 在塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德大学就读后,她在埃默里大学完成了家庭医学实习, Yugoslavia, 她在那里获得了医学学位并接受了儿科神经学的培训. Dr. 戴尔获得了美国家庭医学委员会的认证. 她非常热衷于预防医学和帮助病人的健康之旅. 卓越的护理质量、患者体验和团队协作是她工作的动力. Dr. 戴尔是两个了不起的孩子的母亲,她喜欢网球和远足. 

hannah chambers

Hannah Chambers, FNP-BC

Hannah Chambers is a board-certified family nurse practitioner.

她获得了埃默里大学护理学硕士学位和学士学位 在亚利桑那州立大学获得护理科学学士学位,辅修西班牙语.

汉娜是美国执业护士协会的成员. She is passionate 对健康促进,慢性疾病管理,并喜欢与学生一起工作.

In her free time, she enjoys time outside with her two boys and husband, running and trying new restaurants. 

emma guice

Emma M. Guice, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC

Emma Guice is a board-certified family nurse practitioner.

她在乔治亚医学院获得了护理实践博士学位. 她在正规博彩十大网站排名获得护理学硕士学位 并获得南阿拉巴马大学护理学学士学位.

在加入学生健康服务之前,艾玛是一名重症护理人员护士. 除了她的时间在学生健康诊所,艾玛曾在WellStar服务 School of Nursing as an Assistant Professor. She enjoys mentoring students and educating future nurses.

在她的空闲时间,她喜欢看体育比赛,打网球,钓鱼和消费 time with family and friends.

karla miralles

Karla Miralles, DNP

Karla Miralles is a board-certified family nurse practitioner.
她在圣玛丽维尔大学获得了护理实践博士学位. Louis, Missouri, 她在明尼苏达大学获得护理学硕士学位,在南卡罗来纳大学获得护理学学士学位. 
卡拉是美国护士执业协会和西格玛Theta Tau的积极成员, an International Honor Society of Nursing. 
卡拉的临床教育和经验的结合为她的病人护理的整体方法提供了强大的学术基础. 她热衷于健康促进、疾病预防和福祉. She is fluent in both English and Spanish.
Karla is married and has four adult children. She and her husband enjoy football, traveling, cooking and spending time with the family.

porsche patil

Porsche Patil, ANP-BC

Porsche is a board-certified adult nurse practitioner.

她在佛罗里达大学获得了护理学硕士学位 宾夕法尼亚约克学院护理学学士学位.

她是美国执业护士协会的成员. She has a passion for health care and working with college students.

She has a husband and three small children at home. She enjoys cooking Indian food 还有甜点、与家人和朋友共度时光、锻炼和看电影.

iliana vermillion

Iliana Vermillion MS, APRN, FNP-C

Iliana is a board-certified family nurse practitioner.

她在北乔治亚大学获得了护理学硕士学位 她在瓦尔多斯塔州立大学获得护理学学士学位.

她是美国执业护士协会的成员, 联合高级执业注册护士协会和西格玛Theta Tau荣誉护理协会. Her graduate thesis, 电子烟:文献综述发表并出现在护士从业人员ADVANCE杂志上.

Iliana lives in Marietta, Georgia. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, attending sporting events and spending time with family and friends.

jade lam

Jade Lam, MSN, NP-C, WHNP-BC

Jade Lam是一名获得委员会认证的成人和妇女保健护士执业者. She attended the University of Florida (Go Gators!) where she completed her Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She received her Master of Science 在埃默里大学获得护理学学士学位,并被选入西格玛Theta Tau国际 Honors Society of Nursing.

Jade获得了美国护士执业学会和美国护士协会的全国认证 National Certification Corporation. She is a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health. She is fluent in Spanish 她对健康促进、疾病预防和避孕尤其感兴趣 in the college health setting.

在空闲时间,Jade喜欢阅读、锻炼、旅行和尝试新餐馆. 她喜欢和丈夫共度美好时光,也喜欢和丈夫一起玩棋盘游戏 family