Signature Events

At Kennesaw State, traditions and signature events tell our shared story to bring 我们团结在一起,成为一个积极参与、充满爱心的社区. 通过校园传统,如 Week of Welcome, Slap the Rock, Scrappy Hour, Homecoming, Pumpkin Launch, and 正规博彩十大网站排名 Day, students learn about what connects and grounds us as a campus community, inspiring 他们自己的自我发现和目标之旅.

Weeks of Welcome

Join the 正规博彩十大网站排名 community and participate in several exciting events to kick off the new semester! All Weeks of Welcome events are free to current students upon presenting a Talon Card. It is a great opportunity to check  lots of items off your Scrappy's Bucket List. 



Experience the excitement of 正规博彩十大网站排名's Homecoming #正规博彩十大网站排名HOCO - a week filled with spirited celebrations, Owl Cup competitions, Homecoming Parliment, 以及真正的社区意识. Don your school colors, join the festivities, and create lasting memories with friends. Hooty Hoo! 

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Pumpkin Launch

Pumpkin Launch, a Kennesaw State University event that began over a decade ago, is a fierce competition for mechanical engineering students in the Southern Polytechnic 工程与工程技术学院. Spectators can watch teams launch their pumpkins from trebuchets across the Marietta Soccer Field to see who 能把他们的南瓜砸得最远吗.

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Geek Week

Welcome to Geek Week, a celebration of all the joy that comes from gaming, robots, 角色扮演、数学、漫画等等! 每年,正规博彩十大网站排名都会举办一系列活动, including Owl Con, across both campuses that seek to engage the inner and outer geeks among the 正规博彩十大网站排名 community. 所有活动对学生都是免费的,大多数活动对社区开放 members as well.

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正规博彩十大网站排名 Day

春天不仅仅是期末考试和毕业典礼的季节, it’s also time for the 正规博彩十大网站排名 community to gather and celebrate with a pair of fun days of activities – 正规博彩十大网站排名 Day. 正规博彩十大网站排名 Day dates to the early days of the institution when it was known as Kennesaw Junior College.

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Student Affairs Awards

In 2016, the Division created the Student Affairs Awards Ceremony to honor their outstanding achievements and recognize exemplary commitment to Kennesaw State University. 学生事务任务说明, “our students will achieve success through practical application of knowledge by becoming engaged ethical leaders who serve their local and global communities.” The ceremony is the embodiment of that practical application and provides an opportunity to applaud the success of many individuals and programs.

学生事务及学生奖项 & Selection Criteria

学生事务学生奖包括四个类别——领导力, connections and belonging, civic engagement, 社区和学校精神. 每个组别将有一名学生获奖, 一个学生团体(注册学生组织), fraternity, sorority, intramural team, club sport team, 由部门主办的小组), and one program/event. 

The minimum qualifications for all nominees include: good academic standing (student), good standing with regard to conduct (student, student organization/group), good standing 与赞助部门(学生组织/团体)合作.

2024年学生事务学生领导奖提名现已开放. 使用猫头鹰生活表格提名一个学生或学生团体. 提名截止时间为2024年3月8日美国东部时间中午12点. 

For more information about each award and the selection criteria, please see below.


  • This award is designed to recognize one student, student group, and event/program 哪一个最能体现该司对领导力发展的重视. Strong nominees 因为该奖项将展示以下行为和成就:

    • 在组织/团体内担任的职位
    • 对组织/团队产生积极影响
    • Created sustained legacy
  • This award was created to celebrate one student, student group, and event/program that has a genuine dedication to contribute to a more diverse and inclusive campus. Strong nominees 因为该奖项将展示以下行为和成就:

    • 展示文化意识和能力
    • 鼓励同伴之间的归属感
    • 致力于建立一个包容的社区

    All student nominees will be considered for the Student of the Year or Emerging Leader of the Year. 所有学生组提名者将被考虑参加学生组 the Year award. 所有项目提名者将被考虑参加学生项目 Year award.

  • This award acknowledges one student, student group, and event/program that models extraordinary commitment to voluntary service on campus and int he greater local and global community. 该奖项强有力的提名者将表现出以下行为 and accomplishments:

    • 为社会变革做志愿服务
    • 倡导校园及周边社区的社会问题
    • 表现出强烈的公民责任感和民主参与意识

    All student nominees will be considered for the Student of the Year or Emerging Leader of the Year. 所有学生组提名者将被考虑参加学生组 the Year award. 所有项目提名者将被考虑参加学生项目 Year award.

  • This award is presented to one student, student group, and event/program that devoted time and passion to exhibiting the vision and values of Kennesaw State University 同时为吸引人的充满活力的校园文化做出贡献. Strong nominees for this 奖励将展示以下行为和成就:

    • 支持校园项目、活动和倡议
    • 增加同学间的校风
    • 激发和更新校园社区的自豪感

    All student nominees will be considered for the Student of the Year or Emerging Leader of the Year. 所有学生组提名者将被考虑参加学生组 the Year award. 所有项目提名者将被考虑参加学生项目 Year award.

  • This award is presented to one student, student group, and event/program that demonstrates a commitment to innovative programming, ideas, and initiatives for the student body. Strong nominees 因为该奖项将展示以下行为和成就:

    • Providing new and exciting program, initiative, or project for the campus community
    • 与另一组合作来实现计划、计划或项目
    • Finding creative methods for meaningful student engagement within organization

    All student nominees will be considered for the Student of the Year or Emerging Leader of the Year. 所有学生组提名者将被考虑参加学生组 the Year award. 所有项目提名者将被考虑参加学生项目 Year award.

  • This award is given annually to a junior, senior, or graduate student who has demonstrated outstanding overall service and scholarship for the benefit of the Kennesaw State 在他们的大学生涯中. 理想的提名人已经证明了这一点 a profound commitment to the Division of Student Affairs values of Integrity, Inclusion, 社区、发现和文明.
  • This award is bestowed annually upon a first- or second-year student who has shown dedication to involvement in the Kennesaw State community. 理想的提名人将会表现出入会的能力, motivation, 以及成为学生领袖的潜力. 
  • This award is given annually to a student group that is true to its stated mission and works hard to live out its purpose on campus. In addition, this is an inclusive organization which has excelled in the recruitment and retention of its membership, 提供一致的领导力发展方法, 与其他学生团体合作, 并参与了正规博彩十大网站排名的节目制作. 理想的提名人已经证明了这一点 a profound commitment to the Division of Student Affairs values of Integrity, 包容、社区、发现和文明. 
  • This award is presented annually to the Kennesaw State employee who advises/supervises a student group. 理想的提名人已经证明了这一点 exceptional organizational advisement, personal mentoring, 以及学生的领导力发展. 
  • This award is given annually to an event/program that embodies Kennesaw State spirit through its commitment to leadership development, collaboration among groups, and 有计划地努力提高正规博彩十大网站排名质量. The ideal nominee will have a profound connection to the Division of Student Affairs values of Integrity, 包容、社区、发现和文明.

Previous Winners

    Emory Roy  公民参与奖,学生
    EcoOwls 学生团体公民参与奖
    Yoshi Castro 致力于多样性和包容性,学生
    Student Nurses Association  集团致力于多元化和包容性
    Brown Sound and Latin Soul, hosted by Sigma Lambda Upsilon Señoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc.  承诺多样性和包容性,活动/项目
    Sahil Bardai 社区和学校精神,学生
    Adopt-A-Stream 社区和学校精神,团体
    Sofia Torres Emerging Leader Award
    Astrid Cuellar Benitez  Innovation, Student
    美国公共关系学生协会 Innovation, Group
    Nicole Brock Student Affairs Leadership
    Salsa with the Señoritas, hosted by Sigma Lambda Upsilon/ Señoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc Student Program of the Year
    The Night Owls Student Group of the Year
    莱斯利·霍姆斯辅修,学生护理协会  年度最佳学生团体顾问
    Ryan Waltman Student Leader of the Year
    JayP Powell 公民参与奖,学生
    Thomas Cassidy 致力于多样性和包容性,学生
    Black Musicians Coalition 集团致力于多元化和包容性
    The Blueprint 承诺多样性和包容性,活动/项目
    Jake Stevens 社区和学校精神,学生
    Black Storm Cheer Squad 社区和学校精神,团体
    Sabrina Ridgley-Thornton Innovation, Student
    Esports and Gaming Club Innovation, Group
    Frankie Berryman Student Affairs Leadership
    The Blueprint Student Program of the Year
    Black Musicians Coalition Student Group of the Year
    Chuck Colin 年度最佳学生团体顾问
    Zae Brewer Emerging Leader
    Thomas Cassidy Student Leader of the Year
    Karen DSouza Student of the Year
    Sigma Lambda Upsilon Organization of the Year
    由K-Pop俱乐部和韩国语俱乐部主办的“学生之声” Event of the Year
    Maya Parr 学生事务领导奖
    学生会协会 学生事务组织领导奖
    Amani Johnson 承诺多元化和包容性奖,学生
    国际学生协会 承诺多元化和包容性奖,组织
    Havan Temesghen 公民参与奖,学生
    Civic Engagement Team 团体公民参与奖
    Eunice Cuffie 社区和学校精神奖,学生
    Phi Iota Alpha博爱公司. 社区和学校精神奖,组织