
The Division of 学生事务 utilizes a variety of tools to support the Division's assessment efforts and commitment to continuous improvement. 本网站提供 overview of the tools available to DSA staff and resources to support adoption and 最佳实践.


  • In addition to facilitating the registration process for student organizations, 猫头鹰的生活 is used by the Division of 学生事务 as a central repository of student engagement data.

    注意: This site is intended to support the Departmental use of 猫头鹰的生活 within the Division of 学生事务. To learn more about using 猫头鹰的生活 for Student Organizations, please visit the 学生活动部 网站.

    猫头鹰生命支持- dsa部门
  • 洞察力 Dashboards provides users with real-time student engagement data for data-informed 决策和方案改进. 数据是从猫头鹰生活,班纳, and Fusion to provide a holistic view of student engagement within a particular department or population of students and is used to improve the student experience and student 成功的结果.

    Dashboard data is meant to be used within an operational context to understand the immediate impact of programs and services on the student body. Data from dashboards is useful in identifying trends and quickly communicating outcomes through visualizations. 

    Dashboard data may also be used to support a department's 1-2-3 Assessment 计划 and/or 年度报告.


    Participating department within the Division of 学生事务 are issued a Departmental Standard View Dashboard of departmental student engagement data. 标准视图 Dashboards use shared Key 表演 Indicators across the Division to provide users 快速访问共享数据点.

    There are no established minimum performance expectations associated with any KPIs. KPIs are intended to help promote a common language around student engagement data and encourage sharing and learning among colleagues. Interpretation of KPIs should be dependent on a department's mission and functional area within the Division of 学生事务. 


    • 猫头鹰生活中的程序数
    • 猫头鹰生活中取消事件的计数
    • 平均课程出勤率
    • 按模式划分的节目
    • Average Interactions per Student (by 项目 and 检查-Ins)
    • Unique Students Served (by 项目 and 检查-Ins)
    • Total Interactions Captured (by 项目 and 检查-Ins)
    • 节目按天和时间
    • 按小时访问中心/办公室
    • 中心/办公室平均每日出勤率
    • 按月访问中心/办公室
    • 中心/办公室按日和小时访问
    • 每月互动总数
  • 规划 is used by the Division of 学生事务 for assessment 计划ning and reporting, 年终报告, 项目审查.

    The Division of 学生事务 has organized its programs and services into a new model of student success based on six strategic "investments" of resources and support that yield an “impacts” on student development at 正规博彩十大网站排名. Our goal is to build a college environment and experience where students are connected, 支持, and inspired to give students the best chance at college success.  


    • 与社区的联系
    • 探索 & 真实的表达
    • 社区卫生
      护理 & 危机的支持
    • 学术指导 & 支持
    • 学生的学习 & 技能发展


    • 归属感 & 已经骄傲
    • 学术的进步 & 表演
    • 职场技能培训


    • 目标
    • 结果
    • 措施
    • 结果

    Each goal should connect to at least one of the 投资, 影响, 或部门计划和目标. 


    阶段 描述 所需的物品
    计划 Documenting the foundational framework and making a 计划 to assess
    • 单位任务说明
    • 目标陈述和目的
    • Description of 措施 and Implementation Strategies
    Do Gathering and documenting assessment results and evidence
    • 提交评估工具供审查
    • 措施的最新进展
    • 实施措施
    检查 Analyze and interpret the results; make recommendations for improvements to assessment 计划
    • 测量结果
    • 评估策略分析
    行为 计划 for innovation and/or improvement to achieve Objective
    • 拟将改革措施落实到明年
    • 创新和改进行动计划

    注意: DSA staff must first be added as a User to 规划 in order to have access. 如果你 do not currently have access to 规划 and you believe you should, please email SPAA@肯尼索.edu

  • Qualtrics is the Division of 学生事务' preferred survey administration tool. 所有的调查 distributed within the Division of 学生事务 should make use of Qualtrics whenever 可能的.

    注意: Division of 学生事务' staff must be added to the DSA user group within Qualtrics before administering a survey. 如果你还没有通知. Rudy Jackson of your Qualtrics account, please do so before building and/or distributing survey(s). 

    To learn more about using Qualtrics, please see the 质量快速入门指南 单位提供.



Strategic 规划, Assessment, and Analysis is committed to reviewing and processing 您的要求及时处理. SPAA works to process all complete and reviewed DSA 评估工具访问请求s within 5-7 business days.

  • Incomplete submissions will be returned to the requester and will result in a delayed 处理时间.
  • SPAA's 处理时间line begins once your request has been approved by your next-level 主管.

In order to expedite the processing of your request, you will want to review the following and gather the necessary materials and documentation required to complete your submission:

  • 如果你r request for access request includes access to student-level data, you will need to locate and upload a copy of your Buckley Form (accessible via UITS Security 形式).
  • Copy of 正规博彩十大网站排名 Information Security Training Certificate of Completion (accessible via your Learning Transcript within OwlTrain) or USG Cybersecurity Training certificate.
  • Email address of your Department Head and Senior Leadership Team member (your Assessment Tool Access Request will be routed to your next level 主管 for review and approval 在SPAA审核你的申请之前).
