Plan and Register Your Courses

Use our coursework forecasts and curriculum charts to help you plan your architecture or construction management degree program. Once you have a 课程计划 secured, advisors are available to help you register for the courses you need. 

  • Use these forecasts to see when departments plan to offer the courses in your degree program curriculum. Forecasts for 体系结构 classes and Construction Management classes are tentative and may need to be altered depending on available space, 教师, 和需求. Use this forecast for long-term planning and be prepared to adjust your plan when needed.  

    How to use course forecasts:

    1. Remember to meet with an advisor with any questions and to discuss your plan. 
    2. Consult your catalog-year degree requirements to understand if there are any prerequisites for each course.  See Course Related Definitions below.
      Next, refer to the
    3. Curriculum Chart for your degree, track, or concentration to see the recommended sequence of courses.  Each course in a curriculum builds your knowledge and courses most often build on one another.  It is recommended, and sometimes required, to take courses in the order presented in the chart.  
    4. Now that you understand any prerequisite conditions and the recommended sequence, use the forecast to create your long-term, or multi-semester, 课程计划. 
  • 先决条件: A prerequisite (or prereq) is a condition that must be met before attempting the course being viewed.  最常, a prerequisite is another course that must be completed first. 

    并修课程: A corequisite (or coreq) is a condition that must be met at the same time as the course being viewed.  最常, a corequisite is another course that must be taken in the same semester.

    General Education Program: General Education, “创艾德," or "Core" are classes required by the State of Georgia to graduate from a university or college in the University System of Georgia (USG). All students are required to take a group of courses that provide a broad basis of education and context to support studies in their major discipline.  See your 本科 Catalog year for the Gen Ed requirements that apply to your degree. 

    Course Substitution: A course substitution is the approved substitution of one course for an equivalent one with a different course number.  最常, course substitutions are reviewed for course credit earned at another institution that has been assessed as equivalent to a 正规博彩十大网站排名 course. 

    Registration Override: A registration override allows registration access for a restricted course or to correct a registration error.  Override requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and follow 正规博彩十大网站排名 and Departmental policies.  例如, if you have taken a class twice without meeting degree requirements, you will make a 3rd Attempt Override Request.  See Forms for more information. 

    Registration Error: A registration error can occur for multiple reasons. 请参考 to information provided for definitions and steps to take for each situation. 

    视图 additional registration related terms.

  • Advisors are available to assist students with the registration. 视图 Information about time tickets, course registration, and how to join a waitlist.

Curriculum Charts