Master of Science in 软件工程师ing

Software engineering represents the fastest-growing segment of technology and computing 专业人士. The Master's in 软件工程师ing at 正规博彩十大网站排名 prepares you for a wide range of careers by exposing you to cutting-edge tools, frameworks, and practices to give you a competitive edge in the tech industry.

With the 正规博彩十大网站排名 软件工程师ing masters program, you will learn to develop diverse software products and systems (from web and mobile to cloud solutions) through analysis, design and architecture, system verification, and data management across different 应用程序域.

The MS in 软件工程师ing is a flexible degree, offering you the choice of attending class on-campus, in a hybrid setting or completely online. 此外,主人的 in 软件工程师ing program is structured with both full-time and part-time study options to provide maximum flexibility.

For non-computing undergraduates:
If you have an undergraduate degree in an area outside of computing, you can transition into software engineering field by completing assigned foundation courses that provide the background knowledge needed to be successful in this graduate program. 你可能 be assigned up to a maximum of four foundation courses.



正规博彩十大网站排名 students in the software engineering classroom


程序的格式: Face-to-Face, Online or Hybrid

学时数: 30小时

输入条件: 秋天,春天,夏天

完成时间: 1 - 2年


  • 秋季,7月1日st
  • 春天,11月1日st
  • 夏季,4月1日st
课程  马上申请


  • Online Graduate Application - There is a non-refundable $60 application fee.
  • 成绩单 - Official transcripts from 每一个 College and/or University you have attended.  Must be in a sealed envelope from the institution or sent electronically from the institution directly to ksugrad@肯尼索.edu.
  • 宗旨声明- (Can be uploaded into the online application) 
  • 简历/维塔 - (Can be uploaded into the online application) 
  • 推荐信 - (optional, but strongly recommended)
  • 最后期限 - Throughout the year, we welcome new applicants with different application deadlines. The deadline for the Summer semester is April 1st, for Fall it is July 1st, and for 春天是11月1日. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis within 提交后2-3周. If you need more information, please contact the CCSE Director of Graduate Student Support, Melinda Ross at gradccse@肯尼索.edu.

软件工程师ing Degree Benefits at Kennesaw State

  • 在你的职业生涯中出类拔萃: When advancing in your profession and aiming for a higher salary, relying solely on your bachelor's degree may not suffice. To reach the next echelon of your career, pursuing a Master of Science in 软件工程师ing (MSSWE) is essential and 正规博彩十大网站排名’s program is especially tailored for working 专业人士.

  • 负担得起的: Spending the most doesn’t always get you the best result, and the 正规博彩十大网站排名 MSSWE is a great example of value. The MSSWE program at 正规博彩十大网站排名 offers exceptional education at competitive pricing, while maintaining rigorous standards that are highly esteemed by employers nationwide.

  • Career Transition Opportunity: By completing foundational courses, individuals without a computing background can acquire the necessary knowledge to thrive in this graduate-level software engineering program, opening doors to lucrative opportunities in the tech industry. 非传统 undergraduates now have a pathway to obtaining an MSSWE degree, thanks to new program options that require just a few additional courses.

  • 多样化的职业道路: The career prospects for software engineering graduates are vast, diverse, and growing, providing a plethora of opportunities for swift employment.

  • Designed for Professionals: Tailored for the needs of working 专业人士, the MSSWE program offers convenient and flexible class schedules, including evening and online options. 不管你喜欢 learning fully online, on-campus, or a hybrid format, the program is designed to accommodate your lifestyle and commitments.

Job titles from 正规博彩十大网站排名 软件工程师ing graduates include (but not limited to):

  • 软件工程师
  • DevOps工程师
  • 敏捷Scrum大师

软件工程师ing Salary and Career Information

The MS in 软件工程师ing prepares you to take your career to the next level. That next level means managing staff and budgets. 公司越大, your department and your budget, the more opportunity earning potential you'll have. Earning more is how you generate a good ROI from your investment in the master's in software engineering degree. 

Department of 软件工程师ing

Department of 软件工程师ing
玛丽埃塔,GA 30060
电话: 470-578-4377
电子邮件 访问网站

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